What Is A Problem Gambling Addiction?

Gambling is the act of betting or wagering on something with an uncertain final outcome with the intention of winning something else of equal or greater value. Gambling therefore requires three components to be present: risk, consideration, and a reward. Risk is the chance that your bet will win and the concern it represents. Consider also the possible outcomes that could occur in any given situation. The concern represents the concerns of why the results will occur, and the rewards are the potential payoffs that will occur if the risk is realized.

In most cases, people who gamble are generally aware of the risks and concerns that they entail. However, because there is no clear line as to what constitutes gambling addiction, the definition remains vague. Generally, you can define gambling addiction as impulse control disorders resulting from compulsive behaviors like excessive gambling, Internet gambling, card and board gaming, bingo, racquetball, etc. that create strong and persistent cravings for their “highs,” (as they see them) and create feelings of guilt, remorse, anxiety, and shame. These feelings typically arise when the person has been unable to prevent gambling addiction from taking over and will indulge in activities like gambling in order to alleviate these feelings.

Most experts agree that there is no one fix for gambling addicts as it requires the assistance of family and friends, as well as therapy in order to break the cycle of gambling and treat the psychological addiction. However, there are ways to stop gambling addiction and rehabilitate your self. If you have a gambling issue and are looking for a way out, then consider these tips.

If you feel the need to gamble, don’t take part in the activity. This is the easiest step towards breaking your addiction and preventing further gambling behavior. This doesn’t mean that you should ignore your family completely or become a recluse. It is also not a good idea to start drinking alcohol or using other substances in an attempt to “get back” at your problem. Gambling addictions rarely develop overnight and it may take weeks, months, or years to reverse the effects of addiction.

You may also want to check with your local and state laws regarding gambling. Many areas have passed laws against lotteries and some states have more restrictive laws than others. There are a lot of local, state, and federal laws prohibiting lotteries and many individuals face jail time and hefty fines if they are caught participating in a lottery. Although a lotteries aren’t as popular as betting in national lotteries, they do still exist and can have serious consequences for those who participate.

If you are trying to kick your problem gambling addiction, you should consider these steps. The process may be difficult, but with consistent action you will eventually be able to live a life without addiction. Make sure to consult with your doctor before you begin any treatment program.